+ 55 51 3632-5300 contato@sadig.com

“Through SADIG, we have been able to rapidly implement a daily control of the Operation with a simple system, which continues to evolve with the direct participation of our managers, together with the consulting firm.” As a BI platform, SADIG integrates the information of all the 25 brands of the group that add more than 80 clinics around Brazil, covering aspects of production management, financial management and process management and quality, providing a valuable information base for decision making.”
Eduardo Margara – COO – VP of Operations and IT – Alliar Group.

“When you do not have BI, we may not notice the need. It is after using it, see the possibilities that open up, we perceive the influence of this data on all the actions of the company. When I use Sadig, I usually go with a clear goal. If it is not so, you can get lost with as many options and as many readings as possible. There are no limits on its use. ”
Hélcio Andrade – CEO – Internacional vehicle components supplier

“Optamos por avaliar uma ferramenta de BI que nos desse maior controle dos cubos (dimensões e métricas), de forma que visões novas pudessem ser implantadas sem grandes intervenções técnicas, o que alcançamos com o Sadig. Perceber tendências, otimizar recursos e minimizar tempo de resposta. É como pretendemos maximizar a lucratividade e rentabilidade da empresa.”
Rui Ficagna – Gerente de Controladoria e TI – Aurora Winery

“The Sadig solution helps consolidate the company’s strategy to grow 22% in 2012.”
Alisson Domingues – Commercial Manager of Unimil.

“The solutions are fundamentally intelligent and as such they are responding in an absolutely adequate way, allowing new gains for the company in a permanent and growing manner.”

“We chose these tools because they are consolidated in the market, have easy usability and are very friendly to end users,”

Luiz Ubiratan – Technology Manager – Calçados Beira Rio.

“We are very pleased with Sadig’s tools because they are helping us to obtain information to quantify, direct, control and improve our sales.” The solutions proved to be very easy to use, requiring no formal training for our users. soon we will be spreading the use of the tools to other departments, which will speed up and qualify the decisions in other areas of the company.”

Crystian Akira Yoshimura – IT Coordinator – Brasmetal Waelzholz


“From the results of this analysis, the Samaritan became the first hospital, of its size, to realize this change of the Health Plans, all due to the support of Sadig Analyzes. Because of the great acceptance of this tool, more and more the departments of the Entity adhere to its use.” Sérgio Lopez Bento

“Todeschini and Italínea, from the furniture segment, as well as Todescredi, the Group’s financial arm, use the Sadig solution to obtain management information that makes it possible to get to know the business, without depending on the request for reports, often of high cost and involving various systems. We had another product, but it was already outdated, it was 2001. The concept was discredited with the employees and was demonstrating the need for something that added agility. I met Sadig in a presentation at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS) and, already at that time, I saw and liked the differentials offered. When we went to research solutions in the market was without doubt a benchmark. The ease of access to the data provided by Sadig allows the team to know the information of the Group. We are expanding the range of users as needed, so more staff members will have access, avoiding the need to request data sheets and use other systems. Today we use SADIG products mainly to follow the goals of the teams and the project has 65 dashboards and 46 management modules (datamarts). The main datamarts are: “Billing”, “Market Analysis” and “Daily Production Release”, all used in Todeschini and Italínea companies. “

“The great advantage of using SADIG for reporting is due to the fact that the data for the surveys are defined according to the need of the moment for each unit you are using, making the information more agile, versatile and reliable, since it is extracted directly from the city’s database. After the implementation of Sadig Analysis we understand that the tool is very important, since it helps in the effective control of the process of active debt management in municipalities.”