+ 55 51 3632-5300 contato@sadig.com

consultoriaThrough the services of Organizational Consulting, the consultant identifies the needs of the company and indicates the most appropriate software – Sadig, TaticView, QlikView or QlikSense – and the best ways to implement them in the organization.

The consultant’s work takes into account several factors such as: the company’s business, the organization’s management concepts and vision, the critical success factors, the definition of priority processes, diagnoses and recommendations regarding acculturation of human resources, implementation of models of evaluation, volume of data, characteristics of the consultations and research, among others.

The Operational Advisory services comprise the implementation and follow-up of the SADIG and / or Qlik solutions themselves.

Examples of these services are: cube / datamarts construction, orientation and monitoring of ETL processes and follow-up during the initial stages of operation of the solution.

In the Technical Advisory services, SADIG technicians will be able to perform complementary services to the operation of SADIG and / or Qlik solutions, among them, installation and tuning of Databases, WEB Servers, Networks etc.